Courses for couples
Spend time with your partner.
Take three days of your life and create a completely new quality
of relationships, love and experience for you and your family.
Villa Pepita, Polland
What does it look like in Villa Pepita?

What does Josef Zika - a participant, a psychologist and an artist - say about the courses of Denisa and Richard?
Josef Zika says: \"Not going for tantra is like winning the lottery first prize and not picking it up.\"

Men and women separate for a part of the day .... The male group is dynamic, loud, invigorating, full of challenges, afterwards men are very sexy, brave and strong. ;o)

The food in in Pepita....simply a gourmet experience.

What do participants say after the course? Another super video and references can be found here.

Surrounded by beautiful nature ... a view from the terrace.

The female group is about sharing, tenderness, passage, gentleness .... afterwards women are Goddesses.

The men then feel like taking care of their Goddesses ;o)))

Here you can find an overview of all the locations, where our legendary courses for couples take place.

Reportáže psané našimi účastníky
Denisa Palečková and Richard Vojík bring a whole new perspective on intimacy and ways to use this area for health, happiness, love life and personal development. Since 2002 Denisa and Richard helped several thousands of people to more joyful and fulfilled life with their courses, lectures and articles.
They are particularly famous for their compilation of the holistic sensual massage that quickly spread in the Czech Republic under the name of tantric massage. They are the creators of a center for massage and personal development \"Tantra Spa Prague\":
Together with Joseph Kramer, PhD., Denisa and Richard brought from the USA to the Czech Republic a new profession \"Sexological Bodywork\":, with extraordinary effects in somatic education and health. In 2013 they founded the \"European Academy of somatic education - EASE\":, in order to offer benefits of the Bodywork to the general public and certified professionals.
They are authors of educational DVD The Art of Touch.