Joy & Pleasure
New women´s group
\"I am really looking forward to this group. I can sense, how important it is for us women to intentionally feel and develop the ability of our body and soul to experience joy “no matter what”. To know that pleasure in body and life IS NOT dependent on conditions and circumstances. It is our inborn ability. But in the majority of women only a small fraction of the whole scale is developed or it is buried under sediments of “you have to, you mustn´t, it is not appropriate...”
But in fact our felt experiences are huge presents – for us, for our husbands, family, world...
You do not have to be “perfect” or “healed” to start to be happy. Start now!”
Denisa Říha Palečková
Since 2002 I have been working as a trainer in the areas of intimity and relations. In the Czech and Slovak republics together with Richard Vojík, I popularised tantric massage (own praxis since 2001, courses since 2005 and Tantra Spa professional massage studio since 2007) and vaginal mapping (since 2012). In spite of being a very intimate touching technique, vaginal mapping widely spread already in the first year of our activity. It provides women with effective support for cleansing and letting go of old pains and unexpressed emotions. With the wide spread of vaginal mapping I also realized, that for many women it is difficult to take the next step. It is ok to be treated, feel and let go of pain, but pleasure...?!
For millions of women worldwide the pleasure was (and is) forbidden fruit. We know very well, how it went with Adam and Eve. Eve gave Adam “an apple of sin” to taste. Unconsciously we connect sexuality and pleasure with something damned and forbidden. In their times, women who fully mastered energies in their bodies, burned at stakes. It was believed, that a woman´s body is not adapted for experiencing pleasure. It was even scientifically proven! Of course it was discovered by men...Even in the last century, there were tips in women´s magazines, how to avoid sex.
The women´s world was divided into saints and whores, wives-mothers and mistresses. It is clear, which category good girls and austerity belong and where pleasure and joy...It is therefore not surprising, that in spite of current sexual awareness and growing options for education in the intimacy area (at least in some parts of the world), many women are embarrassed around deep experience of pleasure.
I have been in the area of sexual education for 20 years and I dare to say that the majority of us, even those who love and experience their sexuality, live only a fraction of the capacity possible by feeling the sexual energy. It is something carefully muted and controlled for centuries.
But the experience of joy and pleasure is the BASE for fulfilled life and juicy, loving partnership. Thanks to school education we have very considerably intellectually developed as women. But many of us have forgotten, what a gift is our body and emotions lived and expressed through our heart. And what a depth and nurturing and magnetic power there is in pleasure experienced in every cell of our body.
We also started to believe that to experience pleasure we need an experienced and attentive partner.
But if pleasure and feelings are locked in our body, we can stay as a piece of ice even with the best man and masseur and play a no one likes me and my husband is clumsy story in our head. Or how we are unable to open ourselves and we are not worth love.
Are you longing for more attention from your partner?
Would you like him to be more present when he is with you?
Or to attract a man into your life, who is worth living with?
Your ecstatic nature is the strongest magnet for man´s attention and love.
You only need to open to it – how to feel it and share it with open heart and relaxed body. Joy, pleasure and enjoyment are basic and natural set up of your body. Maybe you just more or less suppressed these qualities in the years past...
That is why I created the group Joy and pleasure. So that every woman can develop, what is deeply hers. So that she becomes a magnet for men naturally and easily – for his attention, presence and love. Because nothing is more attractive than joy and pleasure felt and shown through a woman´s body.
What will we focus on during the weekend:
- how to enhance liveliness and joy in our body
- how to connect with pleasure in our body and soul and express it
- how to relax our body as a gift of love and orgasmic livelines
- how to open our heart despite of our fear and old injuries
- how to express who you are and what you feel without a man running away from you ;-), how to make him feel he want to get closer to you
- how to be irresistible for your Man, and invisible for \"nasty\" men
- how to make the man you want to give you more attantion and love
References from participants
“I experienced, who I am. That I am not that insensitive person, who does not need anyone. That touch and especially a woman´s touch is something incredible and strong, that I am sensitive and I need it…”
“The course started my path of inner healing…”
\"Finally I perceive myself as a WOMAN. It is easier to say what I like and what I don´t like and what I need. I allow myself “not to do anything”. To our marriage it brought (together with your Retreat for couples) more openness, it stroke fire of passion and deepened the love between us.
\"Hello Denisa, I participated in this course at Easter and I liked it very much. I like your guidance, you are not flying in some esoteric heights and your talk is understandable for every type of woman. I really enjoyed the course and I felt very good and anchored after that. This course was also an inspiration not only for my exercise and relaxation courses for women which I organise ( I am a physiotherapist) but also for individual work with women in my consulting room.
Iveta Pourová
\"Dear Denisa, it has been a month since I participated in your women´s group. Since then I think, feel and live everything you did with us there. In a good way! I really sense and feel my body. I always check now, that I am connected to the incredible inner wisdom. This course was so enriching and transforming, that every woman should experience it. You guided us all beautifully, sensitively and with patience. You answered all our questions. I admired how you managed to create an atmosphere, where all women opened and supported each other. It is great to be part of such strong women connection! Thank you for your beautiful work. You are a big big inspiration for many of us…”
Světla Hoření
Dear Denisa,
I would like to thank you for this weekend. It was very inspiring and encouraging. I had no expectations. I just wanted to relax, change my routine (I am on maternity leave) and to be with other women. This all has come true. Plus I always like to listen to you. There is absolutely anything that I would mind or didn´t like. Pregnancy suits you and you embody what you teach.
My husband told me that he was afraid that I could come home changed. After the course he said that he was glad that I had come normal. In the end he said that I came changed but beautifully 🙂
Dear Denisa, the weekend was full of very strong experiences and many times I noticed how sensitively you can step in and take the people in the right direction, help them to go through things that are essential for their healing. It was unbelievable how it works. Thank you for your work.
I would like to thank you from all my heart for the immensely powerful experience. Sometimes it is difficult to express gratitude with words.
I would like to thank Denisa from my heart once again for the amazing weekend experience! I was an awesome event, I went home enriched by new perspective on sexuality not only in general but also my one. I had several wow-moments, got closer to myself and met a group of fantastic women!
Lecturer: Mgr. Denisa Říha Palečková, CSB
Internationally acclaimed teacher in the area of partnership, conscious sexuality and holistic (tantric) massage and personal development. Her teaching is inspired by tantra, taoism, quodoushka, sexological bodywork, buddhism, yoga, different types of bodywork and non-directive psychotherapy... and her own life’s experience.
She is interested in working with intimacy, love, partnership and mission. Her women’s groups are a safe place that makes possible a deeper self-discovering, building confidence and love, listening to one’s heart and the mystical support for women. She is helping to find one’s role both in the male-female relationships and in life.
She is the co-founder of the Tantra Spa Prague massage and personal development centre. With the aim to make accessible the benefits of bodywork to the general public and to provide the certification of professionals she founded the European Academy of Somatic Education – EASE together with Richard Vojík in 2013. They started to train professionals during their own professional training CORE TOUCH EASE. Denisa is the co-author of the Art of Touch educational DVD about the legendary ritual of holistic sensual massage.
See our CALENDAR for info about recent courses.